Monday, April 4, 2011

Realms of Esoteric Thought

Hello everybody,

The paquete de marzo (March package) got here last week.  A little more timely than the last one.

Well, it was another great Conference.  I was a little worried it would not be the same listening to a translation because the translators just don’t flow like the original speakers do.  It was actually pretty cool, because most of the Spanish-speaking general authorities all pre-record their talks in Spanish, so it is like listening to them actually give the talk.  Elder Scott did his in Spanish.  I knew he spoke Spanish, but this was the first time I actually listened to his speaking in Spanish.  He sounds the same as when he speaks English.  It is weird, because whenever I read one of the old conference addresses in the Liahona, I still hear the voices of the original speakers in my head, except they are speaking in Spanish.  It is rather strange.

We taught a lawyer this week.  It was a different experience than the average lesson.  It is nice to have the confidence that the investigator is going to leer y meditar (read and meditate).  Every once in awhile here in Cuenca you run into some professor or other well-read person.  Usually they just want to compare Mormonism against the other religious philosophies of the world.  I can’t remember what we were talking about, but our investigator said something about how our beliefs differed from nihilism and I remember thinking, "Well that’s an insight I will never hear on my mission again." 

I have to admit, I was a little more than willing to discuss Nitzche, Des Cartes, Freud, and the like.  We jumped around a little bit.  He had actually talked with the missionaries before, so he was ready to jump into what I think we can consider "deep doctrine."  "So if God created more worlds than ours, doesn’t that make it necessary to have more than one Savior.  That is what the Kabbalists believe."  Elder Nuñez and I just kind of looked at each other and said, "We really don’t have any specific doctrine on that, the Lord has not deemed it necessary to reveal that to us at this time.  But you know what he has revealed..."  (I think that is Judaism, anyways)  If he is really interested in that question, he can bring it up in a High Priest group meeting.  I am sure he can find many people with definitive opinions on the matter.

Anyways, back out of the realms of esoteric thought ...

I hope to hear from you all tomorrow if we get mail at district meeting.  Looking forward to writing again next week!

Love, Elder Nannel

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