Monday, November 15, 2010

Transfer to Cuenca

Hello Family,

Elder Salvioli
I’m on the move again!  I just got reassigned to Cuenca.  I am working in the Molay sector, which is where Elder Gonzalez started his mission.  My new companion is another Argentinean, Elder Salvioli. Cuenca is quite different than either Guayaquil or Machala.  It is cooler, has lots of hills, and has no stray animals in the streets.  I am excited to start working here.  They are splitting Machala into two sectors and Elder Gonzalez is going to be the new Zone Leader. 

Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador
(Cuenca, the 3rd largest Ecuadorean city, is up in the Andean highlands, 8300 feet above sea level.  The four rivers that make up the original Spanish name of this city are part of the Amazon river watershed.  Check out the new weather gadget...quite a change in temps!)

This week was a little slower.  I got to spend some time with Elder Snow, the new elder.  He speaks Spanish really well and we hit it off.  We have a lot of the same interests in music and school.  He is going to the Y, so we will have to meet up there again. 

Sign says "Don't leave trash here"
I had an experience with the converting power of the Book of Mormon.  Elder Gonzalez and I were going to a second appointment with an investigator, but we learned that he had been evicted so we decided to just teach the new family living there.  We did not teach much, just said what we do as missionaries and left them a Book of Mormon and told them to read it and pray to know if it was true.  When we came back, we asked the father if he had read and prayed.  He said he had.  We asked how he had felt during his prayer.  He said he felt the same way as when he first met us and then again after we came back.  He said he thought that this feeling is what was missing in his life and he wanted to become a member of our church.  Then I got transferred. 

If only we could get all our investigators to read and pray.  On my first day with President Montalti, he told me that people here don’t like to read and that challenging people to read would be one of the biggest struggles with investigators.  

Zone Activity at a Mexican Restaurant Back:Elders Velasco, Salvioli, Caal, Diaz, Ferrero, Jenkins, Ruiz, Ludlam; Front: Elder Kjar, Hnas Haggard, Glanzer, Elders Robinson, Johnson, Hnas Deninson, Castillo, Elder Badger
Well, I am excited to be working in this new sector.  It will be a different kind of experience.  I still will get to drink mate every night, though, so not too much will have changed.  Look forward to talking to you all soon.  Love, Elder Ludlam

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