Monday, December 13, 2010

Caroling in the Park

Hello Ludlams,

We had Zone Conference this week.  It took up a lot of time, but we still got some good work done.  

Hernan's Baptism with Pres. Reiban, his wife, and son Sebastian
This week many of our investigators gained their testimonies. Hernan works in a bank, so he showed Elder Salvioli and I how he checks dollar bills to see if the are genuine.  He gave us a bunch of pamphlets on the security features of US currency so we could go home to verify all our money.  Hernan decided that he wants to join the church.  We asked him if he knew that Joseph Smith was called as a prophet and that the church he organized was the same church that existed in the time of Christ.  At first, he had to think about it and was not really sure.  He started saying what he thought about what he had read from the Book of Mormon and how it had changed the way he looked at the world.  He said that he felt something different when he studied it and then he just said, "Yes, I know that Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet of God."  Then his wife, who was a member before, but never really had a testimony, said that now she, too, knew that these things were true.  

Parque Calderon is where we went caroling
We went caroling in a park as a zone activity.  We had about two or three missionaries taking turns, passing out pamphlets and explaining who we are as missionaries and what we teach while everyone else sang.  It was pretty cool to see benches full of people reading about the restoration of the Gospel as we sang "The Spirit of God" snuck in between "Silent Night" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."  We got some good references from the activity.

This week was Stake Conference.  We had an Area Authority come to speak. President Montalti also spoke.  During the Zone Conference, he told us that we had better give all our investigators a baptismal date before Stake Conference or he would give them one for us.

Well, I hope to hear from you all soon,
Love, Ñaño Nan (your Ecuadorian brother) 

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