Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is Coming!

Hello Family,

How are you all doing?  I just got a bunch of letters from as far back as November 7.  Some were regular mail, but some were dearelders, too.  Would you mind writing the date at the end?  Sometimes dearelder does it automatically and sometimes it does not.

Opening a granadilla,
a type of passion fruit

Well, someone asked me to talk about all the different foods I have eaten.  So far I have tried fish eyes, chicken feet, cow stomach lining, cow tongue, cow cow, cuy, chifles (fried banana chips), patacones (fried bananas that have been smashed and fried again), and a bunch of fruits starting with guaya- (guayas, guayana, guayabana, etc.)  Here in the sierra, they eat a lot of canguil (popcorn).  They use it in their soups a lot.  I also had a tangerine so huge it would put most grapefruits to shame.  The member that gave it to us said most people are scared of the giant tangerines because they are so ugly, but they are actually really good.

View from above the Agüello's house
This past Sunday, we had to help the family that was feeding us make dinner.  They have five sisters and one brother.  It reminded me a little bit of making Sunday dinner back home.  Not to be "tronqui", I just wanted to let you all know you did not have to worry any more because I have found Andean replacements for each and every one of you.  (I am guessing I will be hearing from you about this comment on Saturday!)

Speaking of which, I am told that I am supposed to call you a few days before Christmas to give you the number and time to call here so you can me.  Calls from the states are a lot cheaper than calls to the states.  I am not really sure why, this is just what the other elders have told me to tell you, so you can expect a five minute surprise call in the next few days.

I look forward to talking to you all on Saturday,
Love, Elder Grant

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