Monday, February 7, 2011

Missionary Work is Exciting & Cuenca is Cool

Hello Family,
How are you all doing?  I got the Livi baptism package this week. Thank you for the letters.  Had you sent that sample of your stake missionary project yet, Dad?  I hope it did not get lost in the mail. We have had some mail problems recently.  There was an office purging also, so we have a lot of new staff working in the mission office, handling the mail among other things.

Things are going well in Totoracocha.  We were able to help a young woman named Jessica to come to church this week.  She has liked what the Hermanas had taught her, but she did not want to come to church. She had a change of mind and decided to attend with us.
The house was a block from the airport
I think the branch is ready to start supporting the missionary effort.  They just called a new Relief Society president from Columbia who certainly has a few ideas about how the ward will run.  She asked President Fernandez, the branch president, for some time to talk about how she wants to implement a new visiting teaching program during our branch council meeting.  She sort of ended up hijacking the meeting.  Turns out her plan also included home teaching as well as the missionary effort.  When I first met her, I thought this is a woman who likes to make visual aids.  She made a visual aid for her branch council presentation.  It is good to know that we will have lots of support from the Relief Society when we want to teach investigators in member homes and to fellowship our progressing investigators.  I was glad that before I left Monay, I could see the members there excited about visiting with our investigators, too.

View from our house on Pan de Azucar
We also discovered a super missionary-machine abuela (grandma) named Blanca Sigüencia.  About half our lessons are with people that she finds and just starts up a conversation about the gospel and then invites them to her home for a "family home evening" with the missionaries.  She said that after she joined the church, she has always wanted to go on a mission, but she is already running the mission effort here at home. Elder Nuñez and I are thinking of asking President Fernandez to call her as Branch Mission Leader.

Anyway, missionary work is exciting and Cuenca is cool.  Hope to hear from you soon.

Love, Elder Fancy Pants

1 comment:

  1. Pahaha. That is so funny. I think I am the same way, I don't pay much attention to signs or instructions until I mess up and need to go back to them. Sigh. This reminds me I need to re-read my Patriachle blessing and follow it. Thanks for posting this particular picture. God is in everything :)
